This is an interesting success story, posted by Praveen (a Type 2 diabetic himself and on Indian LCHF Diet since more than three years) for his father. An expert from the mainstream may call this an “Anecdote” — a favorite word to attack something that’s unconventional, but helps the patient — but it is a success story in the view of the family, and that matters the most. For us at, it is far more than just a success story. It demonstrates how Praveen, a diabetic himself, had the guts to get his father on LCHF, after reversing his own diabetes.
Praveen’s father is also a Type 2 diabetic. In March 2015, he suffered a massive heart attack, and was in unconscious state by the time he was admitted to hospital. Artery clogging was 90/70/70, and stenting was done on the artery with 90% blockage. This is what Praveen shared regarding the diet recommended for his father:
The diet which was given by the corporate hospital after my Father’s discharge was worst and day by day his health was becoming more severe. Meanwhile after join Dlife i started following LCHF and started getting the result and benefits. All the mentors and moderator’s help me a lot to understand and motivated timely to live a healthy life.
After follow up of 2 months, doctor again suggested to go for 2 more stenting for balance blockages. We took a decision to go for LCHF and exercise to overcome the situation and not for stenting once again which is no more guaranteed solution for this health condition.
Talk LCHF to an average Joe who has been through the same episodes as Praveen’s father, and they would scoff at you at the very mention of LCHF, because we have been BRAINWASHED that dietary FAT chokes arteries. But, Praveen knew what he was doing, as he had reversed his own Type 2 diabetes by then. The doctors kept insisting for stenting the other two arteries, but Praveen decided to go in a different direction — Indian LCHF Diet. We quote what Praveen shared on the success story thread:
We had done all the required tests for Diabetes management and also 2D eco and stress test for follow up in March 2017. There was good improvement seen in the reports, however stress test was positive. But another doctor suggested that there is no need of going for angioplasty if the condition is seen better. He can able to maintain his Hba1c in the range of 5.6 to 5.9 during this phase. That’s how LCHF click for heart patients as well and improve at given point of health condition.
We continued the same diet, exercise and medication suggested by our mentor as well as Doctor. Finally at the month of May 2018 we did all test including 2 D eco and stress test which came negative. This is miracle of LCHF to live healthy life.
I thank all my gurus for the wonderful journey and for creating an amazing supporting platform to all.
Do we need to say anything more? This is the second case of a diabetic & CHD patient with stent, going on an LCHF diet and improving. The first one is of Venkatesh, whose success story is already shared. Wonder what experts from the mainstream would say about these two cases.
Congratulations Praveen for having the courage to take the path less travelled, and often loathed by the experts from the mainstream. We wish your father many years of good health on less drugs ahead.
Image Credit: Image provided by Praveen with permission to use the same on our network of sites. We have changed the aspect ratio to 16:9.