Indian Type 2 Diabetes Low Carb High Fat Diet Success Story – D. R. Hadadare

mrnanu 1170x650 - Indian Type 2 Diabetes Low Carb High Fat Diet Success Story – D. R. Hadadare

D. R. Hadadare is currently 67 years old and is a Type 2 diabetic from Mumbai. He was diagnosed with Diabetes 27 years ago. Diabetes runs in his family, as his father was also diabetic. His triglycerides were 300, weight 65 kg for a height of 157 cm, and he was also put on statin drugs.

After switching to Indian LCHF diet around 4 years back, he could eliminate statins, as his triglycerides dropped, and lipids returned to normal range. His Diabetes drugs reduced to 20% of pre-LCHF days, and he has been maintaining an HbA1C of 5.6% max for over four years now. His weight is also stable at 60 kg, thus a drop of 5 kg without any effort.

Here’s his story on the forum in his own words: My Type 2 Success Story

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Image Credit: Provided by Mr D. R. Hadadare with permission to use on this article. We have resized the image to suit aspect ratio.


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