7 Days Indian Low Carb High Fat Vegetarian Soups Recipe – Part 1

vegetarian soups 2 1170x650 - 7 Days Indian Low Carb High Fat Vegetarian Soups Recipe - Part 1

We mentioned about 1000+ LCHF / Keto recipes resources available on the forum. Here’s a compiled a list of 14 Indian LCHF vegetarian soups from same resource that are tried, tweaked, tasted by the members who posted the same.

Here are the Part 1, with compilation of SEVEN Indian Vegetarian LCHF soups:

7 Day LCHF Vegetarian Soups : Part 1

Part 2 Here

With 14 vegetarian LCHF soup options available, your hunt for the same ends here. Just repeat every 14 days and the entire month is covered. All these are as tried, tested and tasted by members themselves. The member names are linked to their profile on the forum only once in the list above.

We are not posting details of ingredients, preparation method and pictures of each of them here as the same is already available on the forum. To access these and 1000 other recipes that fit the Indian LCHF / Keto diet, JOIN our community.


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