7 Perfect Gems: Jade’s hand-picked LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Recipes

jade lchf keto recipes part 1 1170x650 - 7 Perfect Gems: Jade’s hand-picked LCHF & Keto Diet Plan Recipes

Jade is the warm, friendly, and international face of dLife.in. As an ex-vegan, she has been to the twilight zone and back. What began as a well-intentioned vegan life-style gifted her with a crushing laundry list of ailments that steadily spiraled from bad to worse. A distraught Jade then decided to revisit her dietary choices. She re-wrote the story of her health and well-being with the help of a Low Carb High Fat diet.

Jade has put up a mouth-watering list of absolutely stunning recipes on our site. While the freshness and simplicity of her style draw you in, the professional quality of her pictures will leave you awestruck. Every recipe Jade posts, is a powerful testament to the superiority of this w-o-e. LCHF has opened the doors to good health for Jade and countless others on dLife.in. Script your own success story. Click on Join Now and be a part of this revolution.

  1. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 1: Calorie: 791 kcal, Carb: 17%, Protein: 20%, Fat: 63%.
  2. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 2: Calorie: 710 kcal, Carb: 15%, Protein: 12%, Fat: 73%.
  3. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 3: Calorie: 875 kcal, Carb: 4.5%, Protein: 56%, Fat: 39.5%.
  4. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 4: Calorie: 677 kcal, Carb: 5%, Protein: 28%, Fat: 63%.
  5. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 5: Calorie: 653 kcal, Carb: 7%, Protein: 31%, Fat: 62%.
  6. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 6: Calorie: 461 kcal, Carb: 25%, Protein: 11%, Fat: 64%.
  7. Low Carb High Fat – LCHF – And Keto Diet Plan Recipes. No 7: Calorie: 522 kcal, Carb: 9%, Protein: 19%, Fat: 72%.


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