dLife FoodLog – Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database

dLife DoodLog NutrionFacts 1170x650 - dLife FoodLog - Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database

dLife.in boasts of more than 1100 recipes within the ambit of Indian LCHF and Keto diet that we live, breathe and preach on the forum. This has been the culmination of more than 4 years of efforts by esteemed members who graciously spent their time building the community content, one baby step at a time. These are spread across different forums on the community. Along the way, as we learned, we improved upon the categorization of new recipes posted.

However, one of the biggest turn-offs has been the necessity to manually compute proximates. Computing minerals, vitamins, amino acid details etc would have literally made posting one recipe, a full day’s work. Not worth the effort.

We needed a solution. This emphasized the need for dLife FoodLog –– an integrated nutrition facts and recipes system. Though sorely missed, it was always in the works.  The Nutrition Facts & Calories database went live on the 26th of Feb 2019, with the standard USDA database file. However, that missed many India specific items and we could shortlist around 200 such items from a hard copy data file of NIN Hyderabad, India. We kept updating manually while the work on the integrated Recipes Module was on.

Integrated Recipe Posting Component

We took pains to ensure that we had a dummy-proof system in place. We made sure it was easy for anyone to post recipes and let the system do all the computations of proximates, calories, calorie distribution, minerals, vitamins, lipids and amino acids. We formally launched this system, on April 21st, 2019.

Ease Of Posting

Posting recipes has never been easier. Check out the screen shot of the interface, each part being self-explanatory:

recipes posting - dLife FoodLog - Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database

All that is needed to post recipe

Select the prefix, Type, the title, preparation method, select items from Nutrition Facts database with weights, attach images, complete other things as shown in the screenshot above and post. Ta-da all done! Here’s how the posted recipe thread looks:


recipes summary - dLife FoodLog - Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database

And, here’s what the detailed proximates, minerals, vitamins, etc looked like:


recipes detail - dLife FoodLog - Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database


This makes it clear that without automated computing, it would never have been possible to get such exhaustive, error-free details. Now, one can post a recipe from start to finish in 10 minutes, maximum.

Every item in each recipe is linked to the Nutrition Facts database. In the Nutrition facts database, there will be a button displayed for every ingredient used– Recipes using this ingredient – as shown below. Clicking that button then lists all the recipes in the dLife FoodLog system that have the given item as one of the ingredients.

recipes using this ingredient - dLife FoodLog - Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database


Recipes are grouped in Groups and Group+Meal type as shown in the screenshot below. Going forward, as the recipe count increases, we will add a count against each group/item. One can filter the list just by clicking on any Recipe Group or Recipe “Type and Group” navigation menu.

recipe groups - dLife FoodLog - Recipes Integrated With Nutrition Facts Database


This is also tightly integrated with the My Food Diary component of the dLife FoodLog system.

Unlike the Nutrition Facts & Calories section, this is only accessible by Premium Members. We are investing huge resources to get these unique features that make dLife.in one of its kind. Our passion and commitment to this cause promises that our platform will not be just another “face in the crowd” in the vast sea of forums and communities.

Here are two short videos, done by Mishal, on this component of the dLife FoodLog module:

Part 1:


Part 2:


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