dLife.in is a Growing Influence in India and Beyond – Dr. Gary Fettke

Gary Fettke 1 1170x650 - dLife.in is a Growing Influence in India and Beyond - Dr. Gary Fettke

One only needs to look around one’s community to see the problems of a lifestyle related health disaster upon us now. That community is not local but global.

By far and away, the fueling of ourselves is to blame more so than the activity we do. Our state of Insulin Resistance for the majority, makes us all particularly vulnerable to a diet high in carbohydrates of all sorts, and particularly those prevalent in processed foods.
The combination of sugar making us hungry, refined carbohydrates making us fat and adding polyunsaturated oils to create inflammation provides a most plausible model of modern disease today.

Seeing and hearing of individuals turning around their lives by reducing those three components and adopting #LCHF – Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat lifestyles has restored the ‘Joy of Medicine’ for me. Once you see the benefits of LCHF you cannot unsee them.

dLife.in has created a community forum to support many and particularly those in the subcontinent. The resources and forums are invaluable, respective and sympathetic. Congratulations to all involved.

There are many that struggle with some of the concepts of #LCHF and particularly those wanting to maintain a vegetarian lifestyle. It is clearly achievable but requires both education and support. I have several Indian colleagues that have incorporated the changes to LCHF and are educating and supporting their families and community.

We are all trying to make a difference and the dLife.in forum is a growing influence in India and beyond. Thank you for asking me to be a part of it. We are all family and community in the wider picture.

Dr Gary Fettke
Orthopaedic Surgeon
M.B.,B.S.(University NSW), F.R.A.C.S.(Orthopaedic Surgery), F.A.Orth.A.
Tasmania, Australia


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One Comment

  1. Sin7

    It’s amazing to see a msg from Gary on this Forum.

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